SC - snake tgl at
Thu Apr 26 15:38:50 PDT 2001

- -----Original Message-----

Subject: Plea for help on Pennsic fort

Good gentles all, greetings from Munenori, foreman of
the Pennsic Castle construction crew!

I'm sending this note to you in hopes that you will be
willing to forward it on to your lists, friends, and
compatriots. We're getting geared up for several week-
ends of fast-paced construction work, and we'll have
a lot of hungry mouths to feed. 

You may have already seen the other notes that I've
posted (and asked to have forwarded) to other lists.
We are going to be working every weekend (weather per-
mitting) between May 5th and June 16th, and up until
June 30th if we absolutely must.

For each weekend, I'm hoping to find a volunteer crew
of 40-50 people who can work hard to help us finish
this project. For those people, I'm currently hoping
to provide:

 - Drinking water
 - Some non-water drink (coffee, hot or cold tea)
 - A hearty (but simple and inexpensive) meal Sat. night
 - Whatever other goodies I can beg as donations

We'll probably have Pennsic conditions for cooking:
limited running water, propane stoves. I might well
have a generator that I can dedicate to the cooking
area though. I'm also hoping to provide a couple of
large tents as mess and/or cooking halls.

Dame Hauviette d'Anjou has graciously offered to help
me by organizing the schedules and efforts of the
cooking teams; please keep her in the loop first,
and copy me. Her address is <channonm at>; mine
is <kmunenori at> or <munenori9 at>. I can
check the address from work, so use that
for more-urgent correspondence.

Please consider taking some time to help us. The fort
will provide countless opportunities to enhance every-
one's enjoyment of the SCA, not only at Pennsic, and
certainly not only for the Midrealm. Also, please feel
free to repost this note anywhere you'd like. I will
be posting more details soon, but in the meantime, please
email Hauviette or myself if you'd like to come out and
give us a hand! Until we meet, I remain the servant of
Kingdom and Society,

Kamiizumi Munenori
Shugodaimyo Roaring Wastes
Middle Kingdom

- --
Don Walli
munenori9 at -or- kmunenori at

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