SC - Re: OT - Nagging doubts re tomato soup

Diana tantra at
Sat Apr 28 14:17:12 PDT 2001

"E. Rain" wrote:
> so I'm wondering, what's the earliest known form of the Parma Tart recipe
> out there?  I'm currently looking at the version in the Anonimo Toscano late
> 14th c. at the same time it also appears in the Anonimo Veneziano, and in Le
> Viander de Taillevant, but it is not found in Forme of Cury (or the other
> manuscripts contained in Cury on englysch).
> Anybody out there know of an earlier rendition?
> Eden

Woof! There is an article of at least two parts that appeared in recent
issues of PPC, in perhaps the last year or two. I'm not a subscriber,
myself (I buy them by the issue in a local store; sometimes I get tired
of arguments about photographer's cake), so I don;t have a complete run
from that far back, but I recall that the first of the articles was at
about the same time as the Ni Tsan cookbook.

Drake, would you happen to have any info handy about this article? As I
recall the author (an Italian scholar, IIRC) worked on the premise that
the Parma Pie could be traced to Near Eastern originals, having a
related, parallel evolution to things like bistella (the North African
thingy with poultry, eggs, almonds, sugar, etc., in layers).
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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