SC - pie floaters

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Mon Apr 23 09:55:20 PDT 2001

- --- UlfR <parlei-sc at> wrote:
> Philip & Susan Troy <troy at> [2001.04.23]
> wrote:
> > (almost invariably a thinned, pureed chutney of
> tomatoes with vinegar
> > and sugar, and various token "spices" in
> microscopic amounts, and almost
> > never homemade except by loons like Ras or myself)
> is often added as
> Recipe, please. Besides, shouldn't the ingredient
> list not feature salt
> sear the top for the ready made stuff?

Actually, commercial ketchup, catsup or whatever is
fairly low in sodium.  Often, very near the top, is
high-fructose corn syrup and other sweetners, both
natural and unnatural.

I often make jugs of "Catjup" at home, in a variety of
flavors (Jalapeno, Mango, Apricot, Pineapple, etc...) 
The stuff you make at home is always far superior to
the sugar-rich muck you buy in the grocery store. 
Plus, the stuff will last a good long time, so you
don't have to make it very often.

Balthazar of Blackmoor
(who is looking for the recipe for his 8-year-old
son's "Havana Heaven Hot Sauce"...which is pretty
close to a homemade catsup, but redolent with Habanero
peppers... I'll post it for the "iron stomache" crowd
out there.)

"The half full glass and the half empty glass both contain the same amount of liquid...the half empty glass, however, has a fly in it."

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