[Sca-cooks] Muiredach and then Mordonna

Anne du Bosc mordonna22 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 30 00:08:37 PDT 2001

Was written:
>I'm 5'11", brown hair, hazel eyes.  Anything
>you want to know? :-))
>Muiredach mac Loloig
>Rokkehealden Shire
>Nicolas Steenhout

Uh Oh.  He's single!
Honey, you just don't know what you've gone and
done.  Single male cooks on this list are rare.
Single female cooks on this list are not.
And he's a non-native American Language person.
Can we count on you for some translations,

I just realized that there are a lot of new
people on the list who haven't been here since we
cooked the diplodicus in the pit.  And I've been
pretty quiet lately.  So maybe it's time I
reintroduced myself.
I am a single female cook.  I've seen over a half
century on this turn of the wheel.  I have mostly
white hair (used to be red) have green eyes, and
am far too short for my weight.  I've been on
this list since shortly after it began, and still
depend on it a LOT for learning about Middle Ages
cooking, and mundane cooking.
Maybe I should point out that Papa Gunthar
started this list not as a medium for Medieval
recipes so much as a gathering of people in the
SCA interested in cooking.  Period.  Not period
While my only cooking job was as fry cook in our
family owned seafood market, I was a farm wife
and cook for twenty years, and did the whole
"volunteer" cook for everything from Reunions to
charity and political fund raisers.  I've been in
the society for almost six years, and have yet to
win an award, or to become apprenticed.
(Although it was a close thing a couple of months
ago.)  I do it for the fun, not for the
recognition.  Would suit me just fine to never
win an award just so long as I have people to eat
and enjoy my food, and so long as I have people
to share my passion for research.  Ive said this
before:  For me, cooking is an art form.  It is a
way of expressing my creative needs.  I consider
myself a performing artist, and for that I need
the appreciation and applause of an audience.
Hearing someone say how much they appreciated the
meal, or, better yet, seeing them come back for
extras on a dish I worked hard for brings out the
dimples and blushes.
Yes, there are Scots and Irish in my bloodline.
Along with a generous helping of both Anglo-Saxon
and Norman.  So far as exhaustive genealogical
research can show, all sides of my family I can
trace have been in this country for over 300
years, but they all seem to have come from
Western Europe and The British Isles in the
seventeenth century, and to have settled in the
Southern States.  Mostly South Carolina in the
Early Generations.  Protestants all, fleeing
religious and political persecution (and the
tendency of Revolutionists to confiscate the
purses of Royalists).
You'd think that with that background I'd be a
bit right wing, but I was a Kennedy Democrat in
the Sixties, and seem to have drifted slightly
leftward ever since.

Anne du Bosc
Known as Mordonna the Cook
Kingdom of Atenveldt
Barony of Atenveldt
(m.k.a. Pat Griffin of the Greater Pheonix Area
of Arizona)
Y'all come on down and visit us during Estrella

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