[Sca-cooks] Thank You

Mark.S Harris mark.s.harris at motorola.com
Fri Aug 24 09:30:51 PDT 2001

Olwen commented:
> Whaaaa....I didn't make it!  So I still don't know what everyone looks like!

Well, for awhile all you could see was their backs as they were
around the food table. Next time we need two tables, one for food and
to eat at, rather than doing both at the same table.

>   I was busy in camp working on solties for Gregory Blounce's dance party
> and setting aside some to bring to the potluck when I asked the time and it
> was 5:15 :(

You should have come on over. A number of us were still there at that
time and longer. I'm not sure if Gunthar showed up much before then.

> The up side though is that because of the list of where folks
> could be found, I did stop by and say hi to several folks.  It was great to
> meet so many of you all.

I'm glad you were able to come by SPCA. And thanks for the 'K' cider
and the cranberries. I still want to try them candied sometime. I did
buy a small packet of dried ones last night. Since I flew to Pennsic,
I had to drink (or share) all the cider before I left. Such a sacrifice.

> And 'Lainnie, the first day there I went up to the Runestone and wrote out
> your wish and took a picture (the first at Pennsic for me) and buried it and
> left an offering.   So tell me, have you gotten any offers yet?

Well, she's already got this herald type fellow that seems to have made
her a wonderful offer...

Stefan li Rous
stefan at texas.net

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