Dough was ([Sca-cooks] za'atar seeds and more)

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Mon Dec 17 14:07:02 PST 2001

If the recipe actually says "take dough" rather than "take flour," I would
say that it is a flour and water dough possibly with a little salt.  It
might also be a sourdough to help the pastry puff up when it is fried.
However, an unleavened dough will work fine.  I tend to use a German recipe
for this kind of thing.

I am of the opinion the original dough should be a little stiff.  The egg
and the oil will shorten and soften it.  I would try 1 egg and 1 tablespoon
of oil to 1-1 1/2 cups of dough as a starting point.  I might also suggest
using soft flour to reduce the gluten.


Just for reference, here's the German dough recipe from Sabina Welserin I
tend to use as a thinly rolled wrapper:

61 To make a pastry dough for all shaped pies

Take flour, the best that you can get, about two handfuls, depending on how
large or small you would have the pie. Put it on the table and with a knife
stir in two eggs and a little salt. Put water in a small pan and a piece of
fat the size of two good eggs, let it all dissolve together and boil.
Afterwards pour it on the flour on the table and make a strong dough and
work it well, however you feel is right. If it is summer, one must take meat
broth instead of water and in the place of the fat the skimmings from the
broth. When the dough is kneaded, then make of it a round ball and draw it
out well on the sides with the fingers or with a rolling pin, so that in the
middle a raised area remains, then let it chill in the cold. Afterwards
shape the dough as I have pointed out to you. Also reserve dough for the
cover and roll it out into a cover and take water and spread it over the top
of the cover and the top of the formed pastry shell and join it together
well with the fingers. Leave a small hole. And see that it is pressed
together well, so that it does not come open. Blow in the small hole which
you have left, then the cover will lift itself up. Then quickly press the
hole closed. Afterwards put it in the oven. Sprinkle flour in the dish
beforehand. Take care that the oven is properly heated, then it will be a
pretty pastry. The dough for all shaped pastries is made in this manner.

> Lastly,  can anyone help me with a dough made from flour, egg
> and oil?  It
> will wrap a filling and be fried, then covered with honey and
> sugar.  The
> recipe says take a dough and kneed in egg and good sweet oil.
>  Does this me=
> an
> a water and flour dough, then the egg and oil or just flour,
> egg and oil.
> Recipe is 1520 Catalan.
> Thanks all,
> Kay

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