misconceptions about places was [Sca-cooks] Stefan

Ted Eisenstein Alban at socket.net
Tue Dec 4 07:37:30 PST 2001

>I would imagine that I, like most folks who've never been to a place
>(like New York, or Montana, where I live) have had their
>opinions/impressions largely informed by various news/entertainment
You should see what true foreigners (those from oversees) think about
New York, D.C., and the Midwest. . . American cities are full of muggers,
pollution, and people who fool around on their spouses, and the Midwest
is populated with abosolutely nobody, has no hills, and everyone has
three cows, two dogs, and a gun rack in their overbuilt truck. (Yup: there's
no-one out here _and_ the people out here own all that. Don't expect

Of course, all Frenchmen eat organs, all Italians are sex-driven, all
Englishmen eat roast beef all the time, and the Scots hate everyone and
spend their time chasing haggises when they're not drinking Scotch and
trying to make blowing up cats and squeezing them to sound like music, right?


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