[SCA-Cooks] Court News from Lochac

johnna holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Wed Dec 5 09:53:37 PST 2001

No, No, fall to your bended knee, and start crying
things, "like but, but they told me on Sca-cooks that
that that I could do it this way....How was I to
know that they, all those evil people were misleading
me.... Oh woe is me.....


Regarding Misha's query:Does anyone have any favorite,
 period potluck dishes? How rare(or common) were
 casserole type dishes suitable for a potluck?
>"Laura C. Minnick" answered.............
> Oh no- that one again! Now we will have the 'but polucks aren't period'
> 'yeah, but they are convenient for us and better that nothing' argument
> again...>
> Pick a period recipe that you think would travel well. Make it. Take it.
> If someone is rude, tell them "It's not takeout chicken!" and walk
> away...>
> Up too early and kinda cranky,
> 'Lainie

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