[Sca-cooks] AoAs

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 5 19:41:00 PST 2001

Well, I guess I might as well ask this one, too... and we'll never get back
to food or cooking...

What's an AoA? Not, I gather, that I need to worry about that myself for
another 15 years or so... I am in Ostgardr, as you may have noticed. And,
having seen what happens when someone gets involved in a Kingdom Level
event, I'll stay in my happy little corner...

 Is it an Award of Arms, or am I mistaken? And is that what armigerous
means?  If it is, how is it different from getting arms, which people seem
to do all by themselves? (I mean, with help and permission of heralds and
such, but...) Is it A Something of Arts? Is it one of those annoying things
where they seem to think you only do one thing so you have to concentrate
on that if you want to get awards? And don't have to worry if you don't
care? I so do not understand how some aspects of this society work...

I think I have my name.

Anne of the Bright Questions

(I could be, more accurately, of the Dumb Questions, but I thought this
sounded better...)

> [Original Message]
> From: Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com>
> To: <sca-cooks at ansteorra.org>
 > Date: 12/5/01 5:06:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] AoAs
> I always love it when I hear helpful tyros telling total newbies that an
> AoA is something that just happens when you've been in six months or so...
> Adamantius
> --
> Phil & Susan Troy

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