[SCA-Cooks] Court News from Lochac

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 9 08:34:31 PST 2001

Well, for someone new, that sounds logical... Surely you register your arms
after they've been awarded? (No, I did realize that wasn't how it worked...)

It all definitely has the feel of something that grew, and in several
places,  rather than something that people sat down and designed. I assume
that was the case? *G* Of course, that is also perfectly period. Many
customs sort of sprang up here and there, and then people tried to make
them make sense!


> [Original Message]
> From: Elaine Koogler <ekoogler at chesapeake.net>

>  Would you believe that there are some people who
> think the reverse is true...that you have to have an AoA before you can
register your name and device?

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