Kirrily Robert skud at infotrope.net
Thu Dec 20 21:08:27 PST 2001

In lists.sca.sca-cooks, you wrote:
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>I just found the contents listed on Amazon so the question remains, whoever
>has read the book, ... do you recommend this book?

I've got it and like it OK.  It's not on my "must have" list, though.
It's fairly lightweight, not much in the way of bibliography or
footnotes, and a lot of the pictures are line drawings with no details
about what they're based on.  Nevertheless, it's not a bad read if you
want an overview of the subject.

Note that this (16th century English households and household
management) is one of my particular fields of extreme geekness, so I
have quite high standards in this case :)



Lady Katherine Rowberd (mka Kirrily "Skud" Robert)
katherine at infotrope.net  http://infotrope.net/sca/
Caldrithig, Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere
"The rose is red, the leaves are grene, God save Elizabeth our Queene"

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