jenne at fiedlerfamily.net jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Thu Dec 27 09:09:25 PST 2001

> I rather doubt you'll find many, although maybe you'll be lucky. I
> suggest that you look at period books through other sources - your
> friends, other SCA cooks, etc. Then, when you find some you are
> interested in that are still in print, special order them through B&N.
> I find the B&N stock a bit disappointing. But they are excellent at
> special ordering hard-to-find in-print books that i can't find
> discounted elsewhere.

I've found that Borders has the better medieval history section but B&N
has a great discount rack where you can find a wide variety of history
books cheaply. (Probably the reason that they are discounted is that the
B&N history sections are so bad!)

 -- Jadwiga Zajaczkowa
jenne at fiedlerfamily.net OR jenne at tulgey.browser.net OR jahb at lehigh.edu
"Are you finished? If you're finished, you'll have to put down the spoon."

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