[Sca-cooks] meat "substitutes"- Rant

Deb Deb at chicagojo.com
Thu Dec 27 15:01:44 PST 2001

Phlip said

>Awright, folks, enlighten me. If you're going to be a
>vegetabletarian, why can't you just eat vegetables
>(and fruits, and grains)?

Those who are vegetarians, can and do eat vegetables and fruits and grains.
However sometimes its nice to have your black beans mixed with starch and
pressed into a patty and served on a toasted bun.  (heaven forbid, a veggie
burger. )

>Why do so-called vegetarians "have" to have a meat
>substitute type dish in their meal? And what is all
>this ovo-lacto-piscene etc stuff?
They dont have have to have a meat substitute. Some newer vegetarians do
appreciate having something  similar. I personally love VEggi
Beceause Vegetarian means something different to a lot of people. Some
people have been known to serve a vegetarian fish, or chicken, Some
vegetarians wont eat honey or dairy. These terms describe what they have
chosen to eat.

>?I remember, a number of years ago, I visited friends
>who had decided to become vegetabletarians, and for
>three days, all we ate were bean-sprout type salads-

Sounds like your friends lacked imagination. Kind of like the people who
invite you over and feed you ground beef for 4 days straight.

>OK, so a strict diet of salad is not my personal
>choice, and can become very old very quickly, but if
>YOU choose not to eat meat, why not respect your own
>choice, and NOT EAT MEAT?

And they are eating meat how? By eating protien thats formed in the shape of
meat? By eating vegetable protien thats been spiced with mexican spices  and
slipped into a cornmeal shell with veggies? (gasp! a veggie taco)

>And why must vegetabletarians try to "convert" the
>rest of us, particularly by trying to tell us that "it
>tastes just like (whatever)"?

Absolutly, it never tastes like the meat product would, but some items are
good enough to stand on their own as good food. (veggie burgers for example,
that i still eat as a non vegetarian. )

>Now, here in the US, it's unlawful to try to use the
>laws to force a particular set of religious beliefs on
>someone else- furthermore, it's "politically
>incorrect" (Gadd, how I hate that phrase).
>Why can't the vegetabletarians just eat what they want
>to eat (or not eat) and leave the rest of us alone to
>enjoy our own dinners,

It sounds like you have some obviously rude friends who force their meals
down your throat. I'm very sorry for you, maybe you need some new friends.

On the other hand, I've seen numereous times where a vegetarians been
slipped a non veg item  "because they wont notice" "because it tastes
better" or "because they need the protien"
No my rice doesnt need to be cooked in chicken broth,  Thankyouverymuch.

Ranting right back at you


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