OT - mustard gas (was RE: SC - Re: kraut brands)

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Thu Feb 8 08:43:30 PST 2001

Hello to the list,

I haven't been able to participate in quite awhile and am enjoying the 
chance to read some of your posts again.  I was wondering what the general 
opinion was on doing theme menus as opposed to eclectic menus?  I am not 
referring to a feast in conjunction with a theme event, more in the case of 
a yule revel or generic camping event.

The last couple of feasts that I participated in were all from one region, 
Mediterranean, and I have a couple of menus in my head that are fairly 
eclectic - mostly made up of dishes that looked fun to do.

Is the general opinion to stay within a region or time period? Does it 
really matter as long as the food is edible? <g>


William Palfrey
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