Saumon Gentil (was: SC - Re: SC- Turkish Food)

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Wed Jan 10 17:25:17 PST 2001

- --- Philip & Susan Troy <troy at> wrote:
... It's the original recipe, that
> Hieatt and Butler are commenting on, which instructs us
> to do away the
> bones, and then grind hem in an mortar, or some such. ...

This may be a silly question, but since I've learned to
heed such clues in Spanish, I thought I'd bring it up.

Are there any number or gender clues in the original?  If
the original says (the equivalent of) grind IT (or even
HIM) in the mortar, that might be evidence that the pronoun
refers to the fish, assuming we're dealing with only one
salmon?  Whereas if you're supposed to grind THEM, and
you've only the one fish, chances are it's the bones?  Of
course, if you're dealing with an indeterminate number of
fish, the point is moot.

Or does medieval English even work that way?

Hey, if I'm going to display my ignorance, might as well go
all out.


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