SC - Peas, Peas, Beautiful Peas...

Luanne Cupp Bartholomew luanne at
Tue Jan 30 00:01:01 PST 2001

hey all from Anne-Marie

Anahita sez:
At 07:13 PM 1/29/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Aargh! The message went out before i pasted in the URL. Sorry about that...
>Well, as i was saying...
>Thanks to Andrea's hint, i searched the web and found a wholesaler of 
>dried cream peas
>They have all sorts of dried peas (green, yellow, cream, field, 
>crowder, and blackeye) as well as one kind of lentil (i can get at 
>least three kinds around here) and a selection of beans (nothing 
>But they're in the deep South, and i have no idea if they sell them 
>around here on the Left Coast :-(

beware...not all called "pea" is really a pea...."blackeyed peas", for
example are really beans and so new world (and not appropriate for medieval

You want stuff out of the pea/lentil/fava/garbanzo family, nitrogen fixers,
vetch leaves, etc
not the fasiolis ie bean/string bean/lima bean/scarlet runner bean/etc family.

not sure about the other could tell by the latin name, I bet!

- --AM

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