Cheesemaking was Re: [Sca-cooks] Torta Sambuccea

Marian Rosenberg Marian at
Tue Jul 17 18:39:32 PDT 2001

> But when I do a curdled cheese using vinegar, wine  or lemon
> juice it comes out tasting like it has been left in the sun for a
> few days without benefit of refrigeration ... if i use a chemical
> such as rennet [I make my cheese with raw milk] I don't get the
> same problem. I think it is an issue of the pasteurization
> changing the flora living in the milk once it has been opened. At
> least with raw milk, the original mesophilic buggies taste right
> to me ;-)

I've heard lots of theories on why Pennsic milk tastes so good...
everything from they pasteurize it differently (unlikely) to the grass
the cows eat to the type of cow to the milkfat percentage to being
unpasteurized to etc...

Does anyone know the real truth about Pennsic milk, or have suggestions
on how I can find out, so as to know -before- planning to make cheese
whether or not it is raw or pasteurized or what have you?


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