[Sca-cooks] thank you!

Jessica Tiffin melisant at iafrica.com
Tue Jun 12 06:51:12 PDT 2001

greetings, the List!

Now that visiting royalty is has been safely put on the plane after the
event and the subsequent tourist activities, I have a moment for some
email!  It was only a small event, I cooked for 40, but was sufficiently
stressful owing to my largely unskilled kitchen staff.  My thanks to
everyone who gave me suggestions for the Italian meal I cooked - mostly the
clary recipes, as I remember (the menu & recipes are on my webpage,
http://users/iafrica.com/m/me/melisant/cook/itbirth.htm, if anyone's

Most importantly, though, I wanted to give my heartfelt thank-you to the
list for four years of information, recipes, assistance and moral support
which culminated in me being hauled up in court at the event to receive the
Panache, the Drachenwald A&S award, for cooking.  I'm currently the only
serious medieval cook in Cape Town and one of only two in the country; you
guys have taken the place of both guild and Laurel to me, indoctrinated me
with the authenticity doctrine, and made me aware of resources and
practical tips I would never otherwise have discovered.  Heartfelt
gratitude from a mostly-lurker who has been steadily absorbing information
like a sponge.

still a bit stunned,

Lady Jehanne de Huguenin (Jessica Tiffin)
Chronicler, Shire of Adamastor, South Africa
Sable, three owls rising argent, each maintaining a willow slip vert.

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