[Sca-cooks] Eat, Drink and be Buried

Terri Spencer taracook at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 27 17:29:37 PDT 2001

For those cooks who also like to read mysteries, I came across a new
book at the local library;

_Eat, Drink and be Buried_, A Gourmet Detective Mystery by Peter King.

St. Martin's Press, NY, 2001.  ISBN 0-312-24270-0

The amateur sleuth is a food professional, hired to design a more
authentic menu for a medieval castle turned into a tourist resort.  The
mystery is mixed with food talk that gets most of the historic cooking
part right, with occasional errors like spices to cover shortcomings in
meat or fish, or modern ingredients like green beans or potato.  There
are also informative bits with food suppliers, the castle brewer and
the London Herald's Society.

Most of the dishes discussed sound fairly authentic, though sometimes
with modern preparation or compromises to suit the modern diet and
palate (sound familiar?)  They also sound tasty.  This book will make
you hungry, the author obviously knows and loves food.



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