[Sca-cooks] Diet Jolt

Maggie MacDonald maggie5 at home.com
Wed Jun 13 11:13:40 PDT 2001

At 12:10 PM 6/13/01 -0500,Stefan said something like:

>Oh! I like Tab. It's just not very available these days. But the drink
>I wish I could get, and I don't think they've ever made, is diet Jolt.
>"Twice the caffeine but no calories!".

Yes, there once was a thing known as Diet Jolt. I only found it in the
dinged dented salvaged stores though (Grocery Outlet, The Canned Food
Store, etc).

These days at the corner market I've been finding the regular Jolt in
regular,  Purple (presumably grape), Orange and Red flavors.  I have yet to
find Jolt at the usual 7-11 or Am/Pm markets though (a gross oversight on
their part).

Maggie MacD.
Coffee lover who also keeps aware of other caffeine resources.

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