[Sca-cooks] dates

tgl at mailer.uni-marburg.de tgl at mailer.uni-marburg.de
Fri Jun 22 15:49:35 PDT 2001

<< Anyone have any period recipes using dates? >>

Strolling through some texts, I saw that there are recipes with dates
now and then:

-- Apicius
-- a latin cookbooks edited by Mulon (around 1300)

-- Al-Baghdadi (date-juice, date-syrup, dry dates, fresh dates)

-- Div. Cibaria
-- Div. Servicia
-- Forme of cury
-- the two Austin cookboks
-- Ms. Harleian 5401
-- The Pepys manuscript
-- the 1594 Handmaide
-- the cookbook of Murrell 1615

-- The Anonimo Toscano
-- The Anonimo Veneziano
-- The Anonimo Meridionale, Libro B
-- The Manoscritto Lucano
-- Maestro Martino
-- The Nizza collection

-- De Nola
-- Granado
-- Hernandez de Maceras

-- Rumpolt 1581 (soup of date kernels, date tart)
-- A Nuremberg cookbook 1609
-- The cookbook of Philippine Welser 1545
-- The cookbook of Sabina Welser 1553
-- A 1560 German cookbook

-- Menagier ("figues, dates, roisons"
-- Taillevent
-- Chiquart
-- Lancelot de Casteau 1604 ("vne douziesme de dates")

-- Several dietetic texts comment on the nutritional value of dates,
e.g. Anthimus, Aldobrandino of Siena, Andrew Boorde, the Großschützener
Gesundheitslehre ...
-- Dates are mentioned for medical purposes e.g. in the writings of
Alexander Seitz, 16th c., and in Saladin of Asculo; 15th c.
-- Dioscurides, in his chapter on the thebaic Date, states that wine is
made from these dates, having the same medicinal forces like the date.
In book 5, chap. 40, there is a special chapter on date wine and its
medicinal properties. [On Cindy's site you find a link to a German
translation online.]

There are collections where a date is only mentioned on one minor
occasion, there are others where dates are mentioned frequently.


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