[Sca-cooks] Belated introduction.

Ruth Frey ruthf at uidaho.edu
Thu May 10 11:48:31 PDT 2001

	Greetings!  I joined this list and ended up
jumping right in with commentary before properly
introducing myself -- I should probably correct that
	I am not actually a member of the SCA, but
rather am in a less-well-known  recreation group, the
Empire of Adria.  I belong to the Canton of Thatuna
(Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington) in the Archduchy of
Caerleon (covering WA, ID, and western MT).  I am currently
Caerleon Herald and Minister of Archery, and hope, "one
of these days when I have the time" to get an herbalist's
guild started up.  I am also a member of the Brewer's Guild
and the Culinary Guild, and have been doing extensive work
on learning about Period cooking and spices ("Period" for
our group is 1150 - 1604).  My current projects are making
up my own redactions for frumenty and gyngerbrede, from
original sources (both of which are coming along pretty
nicely -- at least I have lots of willing taste-testers!).
On a wider scope, the Culinary Guild is kicking into final
high gear preparing for its first major large-scale feast,
scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend, largely using recipes
from Heiatt's "Pleyn Delit."  I plan to be helping out
however possible and necessary in the kitchen, though my
officer's duties may keep me busy as well.
	Mundanely, I have a Master's Degree in Botany, and
am working as a laboratory technician at the University of
Idaho, as well has having a small business selling hand-
made ceramics and various weird and interesting weapons,
imports, incenses, and curios.  My life is full.  :)
	I'm delighted to have found such a large group of
knowledgeable and talkative people, with so much experience
to share!
	Looking forward to lots of interesting future

		-- Ruth Freebourne

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