[Sca-cooks] 1637 Hosokawa Sansai Kaiseki Meal

Barbara Nostrand nostrand at acm.org
Wed May 16 20:09:23 PDT 2001

Noble Cousin!

Greetings from Solveig! There are several genres of sushi out
there. Originally, sushi was a means for preserving fish. While
chirashizushi is an old form of sushi, I now believe that
oshizushi is what you see being sold in picures of street
vendors dating from say the Genroku (early Edo) period. Oshizushi
is basically a shallow box of vinegared rice with sthin strips
of fish or what naught pressed down on top of it.

				Your Humble Servant
				Solveig Throndardottir
				Amateur Scholar

| Barbara Nostrand, Ph.D.         | Solveig Throndardottir, CoM       |
| deMoivre Institute              | Carolingia Statis Mentis Est      |
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