[Sca-cooks] online glossary

Kirrily Robert skud at infotrope.net
Wed May 23 15:52:46 PDT 2001

In lists.sca.sca-cooks, you wrote:
>Fine Powder - A spice mixture of what spices? Where is it used?

a.k.a poudre douce?  A mixture of "sweet" spices, usually heavy on the
ginger and cinnamon and also containing cloves, nutmeg, etc.

>viande, viands

meat, from the French.


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - skud at infotrope.net - http://infotrope.net/
"Bron in a short skirt and crop top: 'What's that?' 'It's my sexual
 harrassment suit.'" -- Jai (from the Netizen quotes file)

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