[Sca-cooks] Reference to 'stale' ale.

Kirrily Robert skud at infotrope.net
Thu May 24 07:57:00 PDT 2001

In lists.sca.sca-cooks, you wrote:
>Greetings to all on the list.
>My group is having a small cooking session this weekend and we're going for
>  onion soup (orig. recipe from Harleian MS 4016) among other things.  The
>  recipe calls for stale ale.

I have only one recommendation for you -- taste-test this before feeding
it to unsuspecting feasters!  I was once at a feast that went down in
history as "the feast that had that revolting beer and onion soup".  The
cook had used a modern mass-produced lager (as far as we could tell),
the onions were half-raw, and the whole thing was served up tepid.  It
was nauseating.  It might have been better with a different, better kind
of ale (or in fact an *ale* rather than a *lager*) so I'd suggest taking
a few different types of beer/ale/whatever along and make multiple
batches to see what works.


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - skud at infotrope.net - http://infotrope.net/
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