[Sca-cooks] more bactria for the ... Kitchen

ruadh ruadh at home.com
Thu May 24 09:23:02 PDT 2001

> ----- Original Message -----
> Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] FWD: Polymer Chemical Kills Germs
picked this up from a news service..
maybe we need to wear gloves when ... living.
Spray the money ... kill the germs.

Military Dr. Theodore Pope and his colleagues at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base Medical Center in Ohio found more than three-quarters of the dollar
bills they examined contained the types of bacteria that can cause
significant infections in hospitalized patients with impaired immune
    The findings were released Wednesday at the American Society for
Microbiology meeting in Orlando, Fla.
    Seven percent of the 68 $1 bills collected at a high school sporting
event and a grocery store checkout were contaminated with bacteria that
commonly cause infections in healthy people. Only six percent contained no
    "Paper currency is widely exchanged for goods and services in this
country and in most countries world-wide," the study said. "One dollar bills
are widely used and each bill is exchanged many times. If some of these
bills are contaminated with bacteria, there is potential to spread these
organisms from person to person."

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