[Sca-cooks] Flavored oils...

Nicolas Steenhout vavroom at bmee.net
Thu Nov 1 16:02:35 PST 2001

At 03:29 PM 11/1/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello Again!
>I came across an article that spoke about using garlic in olive oils and how
>it sometimes causes bochulism (my spelling is horrible and I apologize for
>it).  Does anyone else know if this is the case?

Yeah, it's a danger.  Botulism is a bacteria that develops in anaerobic
environments (no oxigen).  This means, oil is perfect for it.

I have done garlic oil and left it, along with the garlic in it, for ever
on the counter top and have never been sick.  *However*, I now only make
small batches that I will use within a few days, and keep it in the frige.

Muiredach mac Loloig
Rokkehealden Shire
Nicolas Steenhout
"You must deal with me as I think of myself" J. Hockenberry

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