[Sca-cooks] delema

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Thu Nov 1 21:30:30 PST 2001

Oh...definitely continue with your suprise.  Even if he deserves being
let off the hook for this one, I'm sure there's quite a list of other
things he got away with...bad puns, for instance, and supporting weird
baseball teams....<ggg>
--Maire, far away from all of this in Artemisia ;-P

Olwen the Odd wrote:
> Good morning all.  I hope everyone had a safe yet happy halloween.
> I am in a bit of a delema.  Last eve I went home from work and turned on the
> TV to watch the news.  I left the TV on for a bit of background noise and
> went to my lampworking bench to begin work on a new "boobie" prize necklace
> for our upcoming Blue Moon Event.  I figured it was a blue moon outside so
> it was a fitting time to begin. Well, to the point.
> As I was sitting working my ear was caught by a commercial and suddenly I
> was ROTFLMAO trying desperately not to catch myself on fire.  It was a
> commercial for Turkey SPAM!!  Now, I don't know if I just never paid
> attention before or it is new to our area (which I suspect is the case) but
> I honestly thought Master A made the whole thing up to tease me!  So my
> delema is...do I continue on with my planned little suprize or let him off
> the hook.
> What is your opinion?
> Lady Olwen the Odd

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