Cat food Was Re: [Sca-cooks] "Soul food" that others can't stand...

Tara Sersen Boroson tsersen at
Fri Nov 30 11:28:51 PST 2001

> Also, in my current job, I have met a couple people on SSI (federal
> disability payments, kinda like welfare) that told me that the only meat
> they could afford was canned dog food once in a while.  I had to discuss
> this with them, and show them that there were indeed other options, but
> they weren't all that far off the mark in terms of price and quality of
> meat...
> Oh hummmm.  I guess it's a question of mind over matter, eh?

Uh... well, I'd dispute the "quality" aspect.  There's a reason why it's
so cheap - and why all the big pet food companies are owned by human
food companies.  Pet food is a cost saving measure for human food
companies.  All the meat that comes in rancid, cancerous, otherwise
diseased, or when the truck broke and meat sat in the sun too long, or
is for any other reason deemed "unfit for human consumption" is diverted
to the pet food segment of the company.  That way, they recoup some of
their losses.  They also take roadkill and dead zoo/circus animals (yes,
a tv news segment in the midwest secretly followed and filmed a van
going from the zoo to the meat processing plant.)  They have to render
it so much to make it un-deadly that it's made practically
nutritionless.  Then they have to add the nutrition back in with
supplements.  They fill it out with the cheapest leftover grain meal
products, like corn hulls, that are also about nutritionless.  Then, to
raise the calories and make it vaguely palatable, they give it a liberal
dose of oil, often rendered from the rancid oil that restaurants leave
out back in the big vats labeled "Do Not Eat."  That explains why it
smells so foul.

And people wonder why their dogs have so many allergies and health

I wondered if I should believe the anti-pet-food propaganda... until I
worked for a company that received the actual pet food industry
literature and found out that they're not exactly ashamed of most of it.

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