[Sca-cooks] Re: [Sca-cooks]Why be picky was Tongue - blech

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Thu Oct 18 05:58:42 PDT 2001

Yeah, possibly, but then the mind is a powerful thing. <g> I don't care
for most organ meats primarily because I don't like the texture and
taste, although anything that resembles an eyeball, brains, tongue, or
rocky mountain oysters is not going to pass my lips, at least
voluntarily.  Squeamish factor in my case? you betcha.  You might be
able to get past my personal censors, but what's the point? (of course,
to bollux up my own argument, I'd always sworn I'd never eat sushi--raw
fish, ugh, all that stuff, until I actually just _tried_ it.  So, I'm
On the other hand, I absolutely love cilantro, which almost all of my
friends absolutely can't stand, but I can't stand scotch whisky (in any
form I've come across), and my friends pretty much all think I'm a
heretic (but it leaves more for them).
--Maire, who grew up with parents who made us at least take a bite of
everything on our plates, but thank gods, did not "push" the raw oysters
<shudder> or chicken gizzards (Mom's favorite after butchering)

margaret wrote:
> Your story, however, brings up one of my bogglement.  Why is it that so
> many people are fine with eating something until they know what it
> is?  Does this not prove that it's really a question of "mind over matter"?
> <shrug>
> Muiredach mac Loloig
> Rokkehealden Shire
> aka
> Nicolas Steenhout

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