[Sca-cooks] RE: Acorns OOP

Jennifer Whitbeck jbwhitbeck at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 5 20:03:19 PDT 2001

--- Ted Eisenstein <Alban at socket.net> wrote:
> How different is it from walnut liqueur, or hazelnut
> liqueur?
> (I made the latter, once, with vodka, a bit of
> sugar, and
> Oregonian hazelnuts; I am told it was quite good. I
> can't
> imagine acorn liqueur could be _that_ different.)


I haven't had walnut liqueur, though I've tried
hazelnut. My memory is fuzzy on the acorn stuff (maybe
that's its own testament!), but from what I can
remember, I think only its lingering taste reminded me
of hazelnut. Its first impressions were that it was
like nothing else I'd ever had, and that it was very
strong - in both alcohol and flavor, like maybe it
kept some of the tannins from the unprocessed nut
meat. It was very dark in color.

Sounds like we've got more acorn experimenting in the

 - Jennifer

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