[Sca-cooks] A challenge to Duke Cariadoc

Barbara Nostrand nostrand at acm.org
Sat Oct 6 20:17:10 PDT 2001

Noble Cousin!

Greetings from Solveig! I am rather perplexed by this purported challenge
to Duke Cariadoc of the Bow. What manner of challenge can take place in
the kitchens of 12th night in the East Kingdom? For that matter, I can
think of many fine cooks who could lay down the gauntlet. What of them?
What nature of contest is this?

					Your Humble Servant
					Solveig Throndardottir
					Amateur Scholar
| Barbara Nostrand, Ph.D.         | Solveig Throndardottir, CoM       |
| deMoivre Institute              | Carolingia Statis Mentis Est      |
| mailto:nostrand at acm.org         | mailto:bnostran at lynx.neu.edu      |
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