[Sca-cooks] And now- for something completely different!- rose hips!

johnna holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Mon Oct 8 17:12:23 PDT 2001

OK here is the recipe for you!!!!
It combines two topics of great discussion on the
list of late....your query on rosehips and Look--
behold MOOSE!!!

To make into pemmican: First render moose fat
 (but margarine or butter will do as will regular lard.)
 Mix in rendered fat, saskatoons (wild berries) or
 the outer portions ofa peeled rosehips with equal
 portions of ewagonuck, Eat and enjoy.

This meat, when mixed with rosehips and fat
 will be all you really need to ever eat.
 It has vitamins from the rosehips,
fat from the moose which is high energy,
 low bad cholesterol, and protein. When mixed with other
 fruits provides a new taste and other vitamins etc.
 Drink mint tea, or other herbal tea from the forest
 as prescribed by a medicine person for you
specifcally and you will be well through out the
 long winter months.
from:  http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/3739/moosfood.html.

How's that for a recipe?
(Actually there are a lot of stillroom recipes.... You dry them
in most cases and use the dried remains in various recipes...
but I couldn't resist the Moose...)
Johnnae llyn Lewis  Johnna Holloway

"Laura C. Minnick" wrote:>> HI everyone!
> > I have been eyeballing the roses out front, and there's probably a dozen
> or more fat, juicy-looking rose hips on the straggly old-fashioned roses
> in front of the dining room window (Regina could tell what kind they are
> but she's not home to ask). I've been thinking that they aren't enough
> to really do anything with, but maybe enough to experiment with. What
> does one do with rose hips? I have vague memories of making a sauce once
> at a cooks night, but it was a long time ago and I don't remember the
> source. Are they dried and ground? Stewed? Sliced and put in pottage?
> All of the above?> Any ideas?> 'Lainie

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