[Sca-cooks] cats, was: no more OT than some: speaking of tongues....

Tara Sersen Boroson tsersen at nni.com
Mon Oct 15 09:13:53 PDT 2001

I've never seen one of those, but it seems that getting the cat into the
bag risks as much injury as medicating in the first place!  My favorite
method is to sit on the sofa with kitty wedged between my left hip and
the arm of the sofa.  My left arm pins her down from the top, and left
hand holds her head and prys open the mouth or the eye, or hangs on to
the ear.  Right hand swoops in to administer the offending medicine.
Front claws are still free, but the cat is in no position to leverage
herself against you, so they're not very useful.

who spent six months not only giving three daily pills to a cat, but
also stuck a needle in his back to administer fluids twice a day.

Elaine Koogler wrote:

> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Another possibility for medicating a cat (try putting drops in their ears for
> ear mites!!) is a "cat bag", a ripstock nylon bag that contains the entire cat
> except its head, thereby making it incapable of scratching you...that is after
> you get it in the bag!
> Kiri (still nursing scratches after her last attempt!)

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