[Sca-cooks] Laurel issues and contests was: 13th Century Icelandic Fish Skin Tanning Techniques

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Sat Oct 27 10:22:26 PDT 2001

Bronwynmgn at aol.com wrote:

> I wonder if it was the same "mouthy Laurel" (the Laurel in question referred
> to herself that way, so I'm not insulting her) who once told me that
> handsewing a new gown in the hall at an event, and explaining to people how I
> did it and how I found out how to do it did not count as encouraging the Arts
> and Sciences.  Apparently the ONLY WAY(tm) to do that is to enter and to run
> Arts and Sciences competitions.  Kingdom level ones.  The local ones I had
> been involved with counted for so little that I was told I had no right to
> venture an opinion as to whether they were either useful or enjoyable.

Ooh, OW! Been there, done that. Another of my sins- I don't enter
contests. I have been told that was the only way to get 'noticed' on a
Kingdom-wide basis. (And no, making Coronation garments two reigns in a
row 'didn't count'. Was insane though- I'll never do it again.)*Personal
Opinion not meant as slam*: I don't believe in contests, for me at
least. I agree with Cariadoc's assessments of contests and competitions
as being counter-productive and encouraging authenticity as something
not for everyday, but only for special, much like dragging down the good
china once a year- what is the purpose if we don't do it often, everyday
even? Our skills sit in the china cabinet and gather dust until the next
contest? And I have heard the "I know it isn't period, but it's not like
it's for a contest or anything..." and it always makes me crazy. And I
think the attitude is a direct result of this Good China Syndrome (TM).

I also have personal problems with contests in that I can't remove
myself enough from the process- entering contests don't necessarily
encourage me to do period stuff, but they do seem to bring out the worst
in me- the bad attitudes, nervendings hanging out where everyone can
step on them, being catty and rude about other people's work. I know my
limitations, and rather than give the gremlins in me free reign, I opt
out. Better plan all the way around.

Do the work for the work's sake. If you feel like entering it in
something, to get feedback, or just to show off your doobus, or your
pie, or your marzipan elephant- do it! If you don't, don't. But I know
that there are people whose skills are recognized contests or not (His
Grace being an example) and I see the jones on specific
event/competitions to be the product of someone's unresolved Junior High
Science Fair fixations. And if they cannot conceive of another way to
evaluate your work, it is their loss.

Rude and mouthy persons are certainly not limited to the peerage, and
frankly, the peers that I know well would pretty well uniformly be
horrified by what happened to you. Don't let a bad apple ruin your pie,
if you can. Recognize it for what it is and toss it out.

And of course, as always, your mileage may vary... :-D)


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