[Sca-cooks] A little diversion

Philip & Susan Troy troy at asan.com
Mon Oct 29 17:01:20 PST 2001

Craig Jones. wrote:

>>3. Sneered at the lazy yuppie scum who buy premade polenta at the
> You can't buy premade polenta.  But I sneer at yuppie scum in
> supermarkets for fun anyway.

Do you mean _you_ can't buy pre-made polenta, or is it more like if it's
pre-made, it isn't polenta, Q.E.D.?

>>14. Know the difference between a china cap and a chinoise?
> A china cap is a strainer, a chinoise is a sausage right?

Maybe on the latter point, but in this case both are different types of
conical strainers.

>>15. Fantasize about meeting Charles Ranhofer, James Beard, or
> Martino da
> No..
> No.  But I do fantasize about un-natural acts with a foursome...Me,
> Delia Smith, Nigella Lawson, and a 6 liter container of white
> chocolate mousse...

Hmmm. We need to talk...

>>16. Brag about your 10-inch Dick?
> No, but I do have a Nine inch Furi...
>>17. Know what the last question was about, you vulgar little
> creature,
> you?
> Dick?  Short for richard right?  A knife brand perhaps?

No, short for Friedrich Dick Corp. Yes, a knife brand. Hey everybody,
check out the big ten-inch Dick just like mine at:

There's an actual F. Dick website at fdick.com, but it's not much fun
compared to the JB Prince's site above.

For those new to the list, I guess I should explain that in both schools
and professional kitchens (anyplace there are a lot of knives owned by
different people), knives tend to be identified by size and
manufacturer. I actually used to own _two_ 10-inch Dicks in addition to
one 12-inch antique Medal d'Or, one eight-inch and one six-inch
Sabatier. Not to mention another Dick that was a seven-inch stiff boner.
I kid you not. I also had an instructor who had laid down his knife
somewhere and lost it, then went around through a group of giggling,
barely post-adolescent lady vocational school students, asking each of
them in turn, loudly and angrily, if she had seen hide or hair of his
10-inch Dick... "All right! This isn't funny anymore! Who's got my
10-inch Dick? I just had it _in_ my hand a second ago! If I don't have a
ten-inch Dick in my hand in five seconds, there's gonna be hell to pay!"

Et cetera.

Almost as much fun as phoning the local pub and asking the bartender to
page a Mr. Rotch -- first name, Mike.

Life's simple pleasures.

Phil & Susan Troy

troy at asan.com

"It was so blatant that Roger threw at him.  Clemens gets away with
things that get other people thrown out of games.  As long as they
let him get away with it, it's going  to continue." -- Joe Torre, 9/98

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