[Sca-cooks] herb stuff

Hrolf Douglasson Hrolf at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 31 15:33:59 PST 2001

> Why?  Which ingredient is not pregg-friendly?  I've got several pregnant
> friends who are likely to want foot rubs and TB is my favorite balm.
> my father puts it on insect bites and the itching goes away immediately.
> Selene, Caid
Dear evil administrator can I please put on my professional hat? If I upset
anyone I will appologise now and grovel later
I did my long study to qualify as an RGN (Registered General Nurse) in
complememtary medicines and there place in the modern hospital. It included
a large chapter on Obstetrics as well as general medicine and surgery.
Foot rubs for pregnant ladies are great BUT watch out for the oils you use.
The SAFEST is lavender.
Rosemary is definatly a no-no.
Tiger Balm has only recently transfered over in the public conciousness in
the UK and has had warnings on it from the far east for Years.
Ginger in small quatities is great for morning sickness, But please get a
good book from the library and check your mixtures before using on a
pregnant female especially during the frst trimester.
However if you really want to help.
Rosemary and sage are supposed to be abortionistic.....they also bring on
labour. Great for the over-due baby.
If I can help in any research E-mail me privatly.

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