[Sca-cooks] comparisons (was Rest of World)

Jennifer Thompson JenniferT at ptb.com
Thu Sep 13 06:20:38 PDT 2001

We were talking last night about how it seemed like Seven Days, the show on
UPN. For those not familiar with it (it's trash tv, I know, who else would
admit to watching it?) A top secret gov't branch has perfected a time
machine which can send back one person up to seven days. So the first 15
minutes of each show is devoted to something horrible happening and all the
news coverage of it, while they dither about getting permission to backstep.

Would that it were true and that Frank could rescue us all from the last
three days.

> On a slightly guilty note:  How many of you thought of
> "Godzilla" when you
> saw the footage of people running away from the collapsing
> tower for the
> 20th time?  The whole thing keeps seeming like an action feature like
> Independence Day, Godzilla, or King Kong.

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