[Sca-cooks] New England vs. Texas

Barbara Nostrand nostrand at acm.org
Sat Sep 22 21:21:21 PDT 2001

Noble Cousins!

Greetings from Solveig! New England is itty bitty. It may just may be
the size of Washington State and would rattle around in Oregon. As
for 5  hours. I recall someone showing up at Coronation in Lyonsmarche
saying that it took them at least 7 hours to get there from the
Okanogan. Note. Okanagon county is probably the size of Massachusetts.
Regardless it is on the same side of the mountains as Lyonsmarche.
On the silly side, Washington has a life size replica of stonehenge
which is conveniently located near a castle. It is near Goldendale.

As for terrain types. Washington State all by itself coughs up
just about everything imaginable including rain forests, glaciers,
and desserts.

Now to dismiss one last New England brag. Chinook is a PNW word. A
Chinook blows in and the temperature can easily change 40 - 50 deg. F.
in about one hour.

					Your Humble Servant
					Solveig Throndardottir
					Amateur Scholar
| Barbara Nostrand, Ph.D.         | Solveig Throndardottir, CoM       |
| deMoivre Institute              | Carolingia Statis Mentis Est      |
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