[Sca-cooks] an idea for Atlantians on the list-

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Tue Apr 30 18:02:16 PDT 2002

Hey there!

I was just thinking about Misha and his careful mom, and wondering- have
any of you met her? It might be helpful for one or two of you to set up an
coffee date or lunch or something with Misha and his mom, or even just his
mom. Bring a few pictures if you like, and basically reassure her that we
aren't a bunch of weirdos (PPBBFT!) and that we're responsible adults who
could supervise Misha effectively, and that playing SCA has merits that
will help him grow and give him avenues for learning that he might not have
otherwise, etc, etc...

I've had to do this more than once- and it seems that even very protective
parents are less reluctant when they have met some Real People and find us
without two heads or whatever. It even extends some- my daughter and a
friend of hers wanted to go to an event that I was not going to, so we
arranged a ride with my friend Aleyn. When Kim's dad came to drop her off
(Kim's parents trust me) he asked how well I knew I knew Aleyn, I
truthfully told him very well (we used to date) and that I would trust him
with my life- and added that Aleyn was an Eagle Scout. Jim Brunner was
quite satisfied to hear that...

Anyway, it might be worth a bit of a drive and some inconvenience for
someone to make nice at Misha's mom. Couldn't hurt.

Aunty 'Lainie
A ship is safe in a harbor- but that's not what a ship is for...

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