[Sca-cooks] Re: Boy Scouts and the SCA

Rosine rosine at sybercom.net
Sat Apr 6 05:23:52 PST 2002

> Correct, the Boy Scouts have been denied the use of public funding since
> they started banning Homosexuals, Athiests and Wiccans.  They used to get
> solid chunk of funding from the United Way, but they still get enough
> from the private sector (including lots of fundamental religious
> organizations).

   They're banning Wiccans? Good gravy. I was a Cub Scout leader, then
Leader trainer, then Boy Scout Roundtable Staff, then Wood Badge... then
found the SCA and didn't have time for Boy Scouts (besides, my boys liked
camping with the SCA every weekend, rather than once a month, more to their
taste). But the whole time I was involved as a Leader Trainer, I was
Wiccan - and usually was requested to add "my slant" on whatever holiday or
celebration we had coming up.
   I'm sorry to hear this. It's sad to think they were greater in their past
than they will be in the future.


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