[Sca-cooks] Dubba (Way..way..off topic...political rant)

Phil Troy/ G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Fri Aug 23 12:01:54 PDT 2002

Also sprach Daniel Myers:
>The most frightening part of this whole thing is that like the Romans,
>and the post-WWI Germans, I'm afraid that the US public will believe his
>BS story.  The average American is not well known for critical thinking,
>As for your being "New York Liberal Scum", I suspect that that's
>irrelevant to the issue.  I'm a life-long, pro-commerce republican, and
>I find myself in the bizarre position of wanting Clinton back ( ... and
>I thought we couldn't find a worse person to serve as president.  Hah!).

I dunno. I thought Clinton did a good job. Of course, he did lie.
Like Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Bush Baby. He did cheat on his wife and
lie about it. Like Grant, Harding, Kennedy, and a plethora of others.
He raised our defense budget more than any previous Democrat _or_
Republican president, which is ironic when you consider how our
military is largely responsible for putting Bush in office. The
absolutely true shame here is that Bush defeated Clinton in the
election, when he was supposed to be running against Gore (who is far
more honest and intelligent, both in reality and also in the eyes of
the American voting public, then either Clinton or Bush, apart from
the low animal cunning they both seem to possess).

My brother, who is a Republican, once commented that in spite of all
that had come out about Clinton, he felt that Republican (I speak of
individuals, not about the party) claims that Clinton's was the most
corrupt administration in American history were a bit harsh. "What
about... Grant...?" he said.

No, definitely, you're right. We have a president who already
bankrupted the State of Texas (literally) while governor, using the
_exact_ same methods he used to bribe the American people into loving
him early in his presidential administration. I wonder what he'll do
when the Prime Rate is 0%?


"No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his own mistakes
deserves to be called a scholar."

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