[Sca-cooks] Turkey day odds and ends

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Mon Dec 2 17:56:21 PST 2002

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> I made my first Gumbo using leftover smoked turkey from thanksgiving. It
> turned out OK. It tasted wonderful, but wasn't as thick as I would have
> liked. How long does it take to get chocolate-colored roux? I stirred
> until I though my arm would fall off, but finally gave up when it was
> butterscotch colored.

You might have needed a bit more heat- you don't want to burn it, but you
t4end to want to use your stirring arm for other things, too ;-)

Also, you can help gumbo thicken with file powder, and (no $h!t) okra-
that's why it's in so many gumbo recipes.


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