[Sca-cooks] Re: another game meat question

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Fri Dec 6 11:26:12 PST 2002

Niccolo is right, I forgot the question. Oops. I'll blame the sinus
headache and the guys who are up on the roof "fixing" it. Anyway.

Given what I've already stated WRT the treatment the meat is going to
receive, which would be the best cut for me to get? The animals will
be of the farmed variety, either elk or red deer, and no, it will not have


> Ok, I'm making final plans for meat aquisition for Twelfth Night, and I
> have a question of those who have more experience with the four-footed
> game meats than I do.
> My options for roasts (rather than steaks) are sirloin, chuck, rump, and
> shoulder, or I could get legs. What is probably going to happen is that
> the meat will be roasted in advance, sliced, frozen, then reheated
> on-site. Not the optimal situation, but we have limited options (ie, we
> can't use their ovens).
> Many thanks,
> Margaret, sincerely hoping that this weather holds, so I can use my porch
> as an auxiliary freezer for the next month and a half

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