[Sca-cooks] another game meat question

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Fri Dec 6 14:27:48 PST 2002

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Gorgeous Muiredach wrote:

> >My options for roasts (rather than steaks) are sirloin, chuck, rump, and
> >shoulder, or I could get legs. What is probably going to happen is that
> >the meat will be roasted in advance, sliced, frozen, then reheated
> >on-site. Not the optimal situation, but we have limited options (ie, we
> >can't use their ovens).
> Might be a little late for it, but I would NOT do a roast given these
> conditions.  Assuming you want to keep your roast medium, putting it
> through the cooking, cooling, freezing, thawing, rewarming process will
> make it very difficult, nearly impossible, to keep your meat tender and on
> the medium stage.  Even if you were aiming for a well done roast, you'd
> still face the fact that your meat is likely to end up tough.

Drat. Drat drat drat.

Well, I suppose we're going to have to do them over charcoal after all.
That was the original plan, I was just trying to cut down on the amount of
actual cooking on the day of. I'll have to order one in advance and cook
it to see how long it takes.
> Shoulder tends to be a second "grade" cut for tenderness.  Great for *pot
> roasts* (which technically aren't roasted).  not so good for actual
> roasting.  Sirloin would be my first choice in your list, though it might
> be a little pricier.
> Roasting as I understand it is put in an oven , uncovered, and cooked there
> the whole time, without liquids.  Sometimes you boost the heat at the
> beggining, sometimes not, but usualy you want a fair amount of heat.

Lots of charcoal, then. And lard the roasts.
> I would *not* trust the weather and your porch as an auxiliary
> freezer.  What if the temps go above freezing one day, or the things sit in
> the sun?  Then you've risked either your guest's health, or loosing lots of
> money...

Mostly it would be for *my* stuff--feast stuff goes in the chest freezer.
There's more room in the chest freezer if my stuff isn't, especially the
deer hide that's still waiting for me to do something with and which takes
up rather a lot of space.

The fresh produce and dairy products might spend a couple of days in
coolers if there isn't fridge space, but that stuff only has to be kept
cold, not frozen, and ice is plentiful.

See, I do think these things through. ;-)


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