[Sca-cooks] remember the 'herbalist'?

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Wed Dec 11 16:55:08 PST 2002

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> Remember awhile back that badly-written article pruporting to be about
> medieval herbalism? And how nasty the gal got when several of us wrote to
> comment? Well, apparently she's still pissed, and she went through a bunch
> of teh list archives to load up on ammo for whatever personal crusade it
> she's on. I just got an absolutely blistering letter from her about a post
> I made on the subject. She also named a couple of names of people she
> thought were especially harsh. So... if you get a note from 'Aimee Bova' I
> would drop it in the trash without opening. She's not interested in a real
> dialogue- just in being offended. And I will admit I slammed her pretty
> hard for her very unprofessional response. If she doesn't like the hits,
> she should stay off the Big Kids' playground.
> Figured you'd want the heads' up.
> 'Lainie

I wouldn't worry about it too much, 'Lainie. The woman is obviously
clueless, and does her research from the back pages of National Enquirer.
Maybe, if she reads this List, she'll catch enough of a clue that she'll
improve her website, and quit believing those Ph.Ds of nothing useful she's
so intent on citing.


 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

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And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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