[Sca-cooks] illusion food

Steve steve.mont at verizon.net
Sat Dec 14 21:39:21 PST 2002

Just got back from Yule where the dragon was in a three way tie for first
for "Most Hogwartian" dish.  It tied with a big platter of chicken legs
(seen on tables in both movies) and Ravenspur Lamb which is leg o'lamb with
garlic and candied ginger.

The head was a small butternut squash laid on it's side that was cut down
so it would lay flat.  I carved eye sockets and nostrils and then roasted
it in my countertop convection oven while the rest was roasting in the
regular oven.


At 05:53 PM 12/14/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>cool idea!
>what/how was the head made?


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