Fried Vikings was [Sca-cooks] Period Junk food

Sue Clemenger mooncat at
Sun Dec 15 08:52:05 PST 2002

Fried Vikings are cousins to corn dogs, being an elongated, spiced
meatball on a stick, coated with a batter (similar to the flour-based
batters I've found on good fish in fish-and-chips dinners), and
deep-fried.  The meat part tastes pretty similar to your basic meatloaf,
with a slightly different spice blend, and maybe just a tidge more
finely ground.
Kind of a meat version of the Harpestrang chicken, in a sorta-similar
--Maire, who missed fair food this year because she went to

Poor, culturally deprived <g> Master A wrote:
> Also sprach Nicholas S. Malone:
 Curd fritters (aren't those
> Deep-fried Vikings?)

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