[Sca-cooks] horsemeat

Susan Fox-Davis selene at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 16 09:24:04 PST 2002

How about a picture?
There is a panel in the Bayeux Tapestry
where they are preparing for a feast
and attendants are herding the animals along.
There is a cow and a pig and a pony.
Not one of the Knights' mighty chargers,
but a fat little specimen, clearly with the food animals.

The Socièté d’Equiphages seemed to be open
for business!

Selene Colfox
selene at earthlink.net

Stefan wrote:

  >>> Yes, the French do currently eat horsemeat. But did they in
  >>> times? If you can give some referances that they did this, not
  >>> necessarily recipes, I'd like to get it. Perhaps they were only
  >>> by the lower classes, because the meat was tougher or because of
  >>> taste,
  >>> but I'd like to see the referances.Conversely if someone sees
  >>> European writings that say that horsemeat should not be eaten
  >>> because...,
  >>> I'd like to get referances for that.

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