[Sca-cooks] Acquisition of worldly goods

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Thu Feb 14 11:14:55 PST 2002

A silly story from my previous life:

Once upon a time, we shared an apartment with a friend of ours who would
complain, long and loud, about the lack of a dedicated utensil with which
to fish the pasta out of the colander.

Eventually, while shopping for other unrelated items at our local discount
capitalist emporium (being Ithaca, NY, this was *not* Wal-Mart) I picked
one up. Came home, left it on the kitchen table. When roomie got home, I
said "I got you something today, it's on the kitchen table." Roomie goes
into kitchen, comes out holding it in both hands before him as if it were
a holy relic, with a facial expression that can only be described as a
combination of awe, utter joy, and complete incredulity.

He took two steps into the living room from the kitchen, looked up, and
said (with that tone of utter wonder) "It's...it's...it's a spaghetti

Ok, so maybe you had to be there. But I never really have seen anyone else
get that excited about a kitchen utensil.


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